Most marketers know that niche marketing is a fairly old concept. For the longest time, people have been making money out of mini sites that focus on certain topics. Like all online ideas though, this one has gone through several different changes. Regardless of whether you've been at this for ages or you've just newly discovered it, you can put the evolution of niche marketing into good use.

In the past, this field used to be less complicated. The basic idea behind it was to look for underachieving market areas. These venues for making cash were around but often had low marketer competition because they had obscure topics. Clever marketers would pick these lesser known areas, research on the level of customer presence or need and then make or find e-books to sell in relation to them. In most cases, those who used this niche internet marketing model settled on a wide array of topics. They could have close to a hundred or even more mini sites, each with specific products to sell. Spreading wide was necessary in order to earn more.

The recent development in promoting niche markets no longer puts the pressure on marketers to have more sites. They can now actually have only a handful of sites and still make good cash. Having few mini sites is often better because marketers are better able to promote them. There are however some business owners who remain doubtful mainly because obscure topics don't create long lines of customers. The truth though is that there is a secret to making a lot of cash out of limited topics. What you have to do is to go deep into these topics.

Discovering the deeper layers of your niche doesn't necessarily imply that you need to have bigger sites. What going deeper means is that you should look for a variety of other related products to sell to your existing customers. Depending on the topic that you pick, buyers may be quite eager to purchase more related information based merchandise. With more buyers from the same client pool, you get to earn a lot even if you only have a couple of sites up.

This newer approach to niche marketing will obviously require a little more effort. You need to spend more time on market research before you even launch a site. What you need to determine now besides the existence of a customer base is the depth of a specific topic. Some topics are shallow in the sense that you can only sell one or two related products. An e-book about heartburn for instance is somewhat of a dead end because there is little else that you can sell your customers after they've found out how to solve heartburn. Always look for a topic that has various branches to it that passionate individuals would be happy to discover.

The old way of doing niche internet marketing is still actually quite useful and functional. The newer approach however is far more sensible and manageable. You should at least give it a go for a few weeks or so and see if it will work for you.